Thursday, June 30, 2005


As part of the discussion on focus in class, we have been instructed to think about techniques to control our emotions. For example, when you are frustrated and angry, techniques you can use to feel pleasure again.

Techniques that spring to mind for me are:
  1. Any interaction with my wife is calming. Just seeing her, her touch, the sound of her voice, even seeing her text when instant messaging can make me feel happier and calmer.
  2. Breathing. Closing my eyes and taking deep inhalations and exhalations through my nose. Living my yoga off the mat.
  3. Stretching, it feels like it releases me from the confines of tight muscle.
  4. Self-massage. Hitting a painful trigger point and feeling the rush of endorphines into my body as a natural high and pain-reliever.
  5. Video games. Currently World of Warcraft. Pure fun and escapism for me.
  6. Being outside in nature. A few minutes surrounded by the trees in my yard puts everything in perspective.

Pleasure is such an important part of our lives and we should be making effort to plan periods of pleasurable activities in our lives rather than just hope that pleasure will find us during our daily activies.

Yellow stripe sash


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