Monday, June 06, 2005

The path to happiness

Something caught my eye recently which is worthy of mentioning here as it has stuck in my mind. I was in a book shop on Martha's Vineyard last week and picked up a book by the Dalai Lama. I think it was called "The secret of happiness" or similar. On the back cover it said something like:

The actions that people take are done to try and make themselves happier in some way. Once we can understand that it allows us the get closer to others.

Wow, so much wisdom in a small paragraph. It is beautifully simple and makes so much sense and yet it takes some real true understanding to totally grasp it. I can understand that our bitch from hell tenant who is finding any way she can to sue us and screw any money from us that she can is doing it to try and become happier. But this understanding doesn't give me any more compassion or prevent me from hoping that she dies in a freak meteor strike incident. I guess I have a long road to travel yet to being at peace with my fellow beings in our shared global conciousness.

White sash


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